Sora AI Video Generator - A large orange...

This video is made with Sora text-to-video model.

A large orange octopus is seen resting on the bottom of the ocean floor, blending in with the sandy and rocky terrain. Its tentacles are spread out around its body, and its eyes are closed. The octopus is unaware of a king crab that is crawling towards it from behind a rock, its claws raised and ready to attack. The crab is brown and spiny, with long legs and antennae. The scene is captured from a wide angle, showing the vastness and depth of the ocean. The water is clear and blue, with rays of sunlight filtering through. The shot is sharp and crisp, with a high dynamic range. The octopus and the crab are in focus, while the background is slightly blurred, creating a depth of field effect.

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Starting his career at DreamWorks Animation, Don Allen III is a multidisciplinary creator, speaker and consultant who collaborates with major tech and entertainment companies on mixed reality, virtual reality and AI applications. “For a long time I've been making augmented reality hybrid creatures that I think would be fun combinations in my head. Now I have a much easier way of prototyping the ideas before I fully build out the 3-D characters to place in spatial computers.” Don cites Sora’s “weirdness” as its greatest strength: “It’s not bound by traditional laws of physics or conventions of thought.” He says that working with Sora shifted his focus from “technical hurdles to pure creativity…unlocking a world of instant visualization and rapid prototyping.” At the same time, Don says “I feel like this allows me to focus more of my time and energy in the right places… and the emotional impact that I would like my characters to have.”